Minor update to CaseDetective released (v1.0.1)

Just released a minor update to CaseDetective for FogBugz.

There were a handful of tiny things that irked me about 1.0.

The automatic check for update popped up a dialog asking the user to connect to the internet if it couldn’t connect to the internet straight away. I feel the automatic check should just ignore the error and pretend there wasn’t anything to download. The manual check for update will however ask the user to connect to the internet if it can’t get through.

The Database and FogBugz specific areas of the Connection tab in Preferences weren’t well defined, now they’re in nice little group boxes. Makes it very clear what’s what.

There’s a limit of 64 columns in the listbox I use for displaying the cases, and as I have one column hidden to store meta data that means users can pick up to 63 columns to view/extract at once. This isn’t likely to be a problem, can’t see many people wanting to extract all 77 columns currently available, but strange things happen if you try. So I’ve made it impossible to select more than 63 columns for display, with a nice little message if the user tries.

The docs had a few spelling mistakes and I wanted to update the list of fields in the features page to have dinky little Yes and No pictures for when a field is sortable or not. I’ve also added an acknowledgments page and updated some of the wording in a few places.

This release was a lot easier and faster to put together than 1.0, I’ve got a nice little suit of tools that had to be put together and learnt during the run up to 1.0, now I know the sequence. Hopefully it’ll get easier and easier as I refine my workflow.

It’ll be a good test of the auto check for update too, hopefully those CaseDetective users that have switched it on will get a little dialog pop up when they first run it tomorrow. Then again, most of my users will no doubt be taking the day off tomorrow seeing as it’s a holiday in the States.