Corey Redlien has started blogging

Corey Redlien has started blogging his experiences as a developer of business software for the Mac, starting with a couple of great articles (part 1, part 2) about the just released Redlien Account Executive v1.5.

I’m going to keep a close eye on his blog, I’m sure I could learn a lot from him as he also develops in RealBasic and from the look of things knows what he’s doing. Hope he keeps his blog up to date as I’m really interested in how things progress with Redlien Account Executive, especially as he’s now using OpenBase as the backend.

Although I probably don’t have a need for Account Executive, I’m going to download the trial and give it a whirl, just to see what kind of stuff can really be done with RealBasic when it comes to what I expect is quite complex data management and UI design challenges.

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  1. Thanks for pointing out this new blog!

    (As you know Ian) I’ve been checking out REALBasic for a little while and I might be using it in a future product.