Dumm, dumm, dumm, another one bites the dust, clap clap!
CaseDetective 1.3.3 has been released with just one iccle fix.
In very rare conditions CaseDetective would fail to get either attachments, cases or case events due to a “duplicate values in unique index” error.
There was a little bit of Cartesian (black) magic happening, now vanquished!
If you’ve not had the problem then chances are you’ll not need this update, but if you do need it you can grab it from CaseDetective’s download page.
[...] Me CaseDetective 1.3.3 for FogBugz released. Dec [...]
Posted by Oops, CaseDetective 1.3.3 pulled, working on CaseDetective 1.3.4. on December 11th, 2007.